Vivian Tsang

Dr. Vivian Tsang is a psychiatrist at the University of British Columbia with a Masters of Public Health from Harvard University. Dr. Tsang has been involved in many mentorship activities. Dr. Tsang is heavily involved in paediatric patient advocacy through her position as National Lead of KidsCan, a young persons' research advisory group involving 17 paediatric centres across Canada. She has helped form youth advisory networks such as the International Children's Advisory Network (iCAN), as well as CHILD-BRIGHT's youth advisory structure. Dr. Tsang is the Research Lead at Roots to Thrive, a non-profit clinic on Vancouver Island and the Research Director of the Naut sa Mawt Psychedelic Centre in Western Canada. She holds board positions at a number of private companies and non-profit organizations. She held previous positions on the Senate of the University of British Columbia and Vancouver City Council’s Children, Youth, and Families Advisory Committee, and is working on advocating for improvements to mental health resources for Canadian youth. Dr. Tsang is also the CEO and founder of a Canadian Charity, The HOPE Initiative Foundation, which works with youth across the country to gain competitive post-secondary admission and be supported in their post-secondary to career transitions.

Research Discipline: Health Services Research

Institution: University of British Columbia, KidsCan


Clinical Discipline: Medicine

Career Stage: Resident


Trinity Lowthian


Zahra Alidina